Tuesday 7 January 2014

Introducing... me!

Well hello everyone, I'm Lauren and I'm the face/text behind the work :)

Let me tell you a little bit about me: I've started this blog to go with my Facebook page and online store to showcase my work more, and to interact with you, my awesome fans!

Well, I don't have red hair anymore, but this is pretty much what I look like! I'm 24 years old and live in York with my fiancé and 4 guinea pigs. (You know, for a moment there I forgot how old I was! A sign I'm getting old!) I started papercutting in December 2012/January 2013, after receiving a teach-yourself kit from Paper Panda for Christmas, and it progressed from there! Some workmates from the full time job saw what I was making and wanted their own piece, and so Lovingly Crafted by Lauren was born!

I've gone from strength to strength since starting up in February! This was my first ever commission piece (albeit with a different background - same design and cut colour though!)

This was me about 3 months in...

And 6 months (the text is getting smaller, can you see?)
9 months...

And now, about 11 months since I started my business but a year since I started papercutting, I am at this point:

I am very proud of how far that I've come, and I hope I can bring you more in the future as I get better.
Stay tuned for competitions, giveaways and general news!